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GRADES: PreK 2-through 8th Grade
TUITION: Tuition varies within the range of $4,000 – $12,000. Multiple siblings, military, and parishioner discounts are available.
DEAN/HEAD TEACHER: Mrs. Kathy Thompson
ADMISSIONS: Online applications open in November (see website)
CONTACT: Mandy Castle, Director of Admissions
EMAIL: [email protected]
TOURS: Call to schedule or complete the online inquiry form on our website.
CURRICULUM: From the youngest Primary Grade Center preschooler to the most mature 8th-grader at the Upper Grade Center, a School of St. Mary (SOSM) Crusader demonstrates genuine school pride, a sense of community, personal confidence, Catholic values, and a deep commitment to serving others. Since 1917, SOSM has remained committed to educating the whole child within and beyond the classroom.
ENRICHMENT: Accelerated reading and math programs in middle school allow students to move beyond grade level as they prepare for high school. Extracurricular activities allow students to further their education and focus on their non academic interests, forming well-rounded individuals.
CULTURE & COMMUNITY: The School of St. Mary partners with parents, parishioners, and staff to form a vibrant school community that engages, motivates, and supports students to be the best they can be! An active Parents Association and leadership team coordinates special events to engage students, build relationships, and broaden the community. Teachers pair Upper Grade Center students with buddies from our Primary Grade Center to mentor and assist them at school-related activities, including praying together at Mass, socializing at lunch, and sharing service projects.
LEADERSHIP: Mrs. Kathy Thompson, the principal, has served in many capacities at the school for twenty-six years. In April of 2022, she received the prestigious Lead, Learn, Program Award from the National Catholic Education Association. Overseeing two age-appropriate campuses, Mrs. Thompson regularly collaborates with a strong administrative team to focus on the development of the whole child, assuring faith formation, academic excellence, service learning, social and emotional wellness, as well as values for life.
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