Pathway to a Whole New You
By Jake Jarvi
By Jake Jarvi
Dr. William Yates has already solidified his reputation as one of the Chicago area’s leading experts in hair restoration. We’ve previously highlighted his methodology for seamlessly transplanting healthy, growing hair follicles to restructure patients’ hairlines with a procedure called Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). One of the methods he uses is the state-of-the-art ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant System, and Dr. Yates’s expertise with the system is such that he now routinely trains other physicians in the procedure.
Lately, however, Dr. Yates has been expanding the variety of services offered at his medical practice, becoming more of a one-stop destination for people who want to take full advantage of the advancements in painless, non-invasive appearance rejuvenation.
“There are two areas that bother people in life where we can offer easy solutions—their hair and their weight,” Dr. Yates says. “In the weight loss genre, no matter how much people exercise, everybody has some bulges they can’t get rid of. We have a new laser that liquefies fat cells for the body to eliminate naturally. It’s called SculpSure.”
The SculpSure process uses heat to target fat retaining areas around the abdomen and waist. The process takes about 25 minutes, is completely non-invasive, and can be done over a lunch break before the patient returns to work. A single sitting has shown up to a 24 percent reduction in fat volume in the treated area, with the results manifesting over the course of six weeks.
“I’d been looking at the technology for awhile,” Dr. Yates says. “It was attractive to me because it’s so low risk, but the reward for doing it is very high. The results are great without the pain associated with the other methods.
Another laser in his two office locations is dedicated to skin resurfacing for tightening and wrinkle reduction, and the ever-more-popular tattoo removal. He’s also diving into other popular non-invasive procedures such as injectables and fillers.
All of these new offerings are in addition to the exemplary hair restoration and maintenance work with which Dr. Yates has always been synonymous, such as PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Therapy. Restorative hair growth platelets are extracted from the patient’s own blood plasma and injected into the scalp. It’s a process that stimulates the body’s own healing factors to go to work to strengthen hair growth and thicken existing hair. If done in conjunction with one of Dr. Yates’s FUE hair transplants, the PRP Therapy creates faster graft growth.
Dr. Yates has also developed a line of helpful every day products using the latest research in the hair restoration field. His Protein Fiber Hair Thickener consists of powdered keratin fibers in a range of colors that bind with thinning hair to create the impression of naturally thicker hair. A range of locally manufactured shampoos, conditioners, and related hair care products bearing the Dr. Yates MD name use natural and organic ingredients like yucca root extract and pumpkin seed oil.
“Both of which have demonstrated in studies to help with hair thickening,” says Dr. Yates. “I ask a lot of people why they use a particular shampoo and they have no idea. I ask them what’s in it, they don’t know. With mine, you know there’s some good ingredients in there other than just soap or chemicals. Something I feel good about.”
Dr. Yates’s offices are located at 565 Lakeview Parkway, Suite 108 in Vernon Hills and 213 N. Stetson Ave in Chicago, 312-508-5179,
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