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Deena Reckowicz, Ruthie Greensphan
By Contributor
Deena Reckowicz, Ruthie Greensphan
The 26th annual Myra Rubenstein Weis (MRW) Benefit Luncheon was held on May 17 at Exmoor Country Club. The elegant “Mental Wellness: New Beginnings” fundraiser included a luncheon, boutique, and silent auction. The honoree was David J. Winchester, MD with Mark M. Rasenick, PhD, was featured speaker. Proceeds support the Myra Rubenstein Weis Living in the Future (LIFE) Cancer Survivorship Program and community-based outreach programs. Myra was a beloved member of the Highland Park community who valiantly fought breast cancer for 10 years until the disease claimed her life in 1990. Established by her family and friends, the Myra Rubenstein Weis Resource Center supports free health education and cancer survivorship programs in the North Shore community. For more information, visit
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