By Kemmie Ryan
By Kemmie Ryan
LISA BULZONI, MEd, was recently promoted to the position of Chief Executive Officer at Reading Power, Inc. Lisa brings 25 years of educational experience to the CEO role, after most recently serving as Reading Power’s Executive Director of Programs and Operations. A valued and trusted leader, Lisa has been instrumental in the organization’s tremendous success since joining in 2017. Under her guidance, student achievement has increased despite many challenges. Reading Power has expanded programs, enhanced tutor recruitment, and increased donor engagement.
What is Reading Power’s impact on students at risk of reading failure?
Since 2003, Reading Power has changed the educational journey of over 4,500 children in North Chicago, Waukegan, and Zion, by delivering high-dosage, one-to-one tutoring during the school day. Statistics show us the devastation that results from not being able to read proficiently—two-thirds of children who cannot read proficiently by the end of third grade will end up in jail or on welfare. The cost of not providing early intervention is devasting. The good news is that Reading Power is a part of the solution. Research shows that the kind of one-to-one support Reading Power provides students is a proven catalyst for accelerated learning.
Where do you draw inspiration from?
Every day, our over 200 volunteer Reading Power tutors inspire me. They are a diverse group of dedicated and passionate individuals. They come from all walks of life and share a love for reading and children and a strong desire to make a difference.
What advice would you give to future Power Women?
I would tell future Power Women the same thing I tell my staff: be your authentic self. Your vulnerability builds trust.
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