Ketamine: A Viable Alternative for Mental Health Support
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REPORTS SHOW THAT the COVID-19 pandemic is bringing on increased feelings of anxiety, isolation, depression, stress, and uncertainty unlike any other times experienced in the past. Even in the absence of underlying or previous mental illness, the challenges we as a nation and society face today can cause generalized anxiety and depression.
For those with a history of depression or anxiety, symptoms may worsen and as Chief Medical Officer at IV Solution and Ketamine Centers, I have seen a large increase in the need for our services since quarantine began. We are seeing that the population as a whole is experiencing pressures that will undoubtedly tax our mental health for the unforeseeable future, and we are here to help those suffering manage.
Per the American Society of Ketamine Physicians (ASKP), ketamine therapy has been declared an essential service during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you struggle from major depression, anxiety, or PTSD and haven’t found antidepressants and other medications to be effective, or if the stress throughout this pandemic has worsened your depression, ketamine can get you relief in just a few days. FDA data supports ketamine infusion therapy treatment for depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), as well as chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and migraines.
Our full medical team, comprised of anesthesiologists and registered nurses, creates customized plans for patients by collaborating with their primary care physician, specialist, or mental health professional to optimize treatment and ensure continuity of care. Everything is tailored to what each patient requires during this time and beyond.
Ketamine is effective within hours to days with minimal side effects. Most of our patients have improvement after their first or second ketamine infusion and feel very relaxed while they are receiving the treatment. Many patients, with the guidance of their psychiatrist or physician, may be able to decrease or even eliminate their other medications after the treatments.
After the series of six 45-minute infusions for depression done over a period of two to three weeks, patients typically report relief of symptoms for many weeks and sometimes months, after which time booster infusions may be scheduled as needed. Patients can inquire directly for the treatment or can be referred by their physician or mental health professional.
During these times of increased stress, anxiety, isolation and uncertainty, we are committed to providing services to everyone that needs them, and we take full disinfection and PPP precautions per CDC recommendations, minimizing person-to-person contact and wait times in our medical facility. Patients are also screened carefully before appointments.
In addition to ketamine treatments, we emphasize doing one’s best to maintain a routine that will support mental, physical, emotional, and social health:
We understand nothing about these times is normal and many people are suffering. If ketamine is a potential option for you, please contact us and we will evaluate and coordinate your care with a free phone consultation. Please be safe, stay healthy, and know we will get through this together.
IV Solutions and Ketamine Centers is located at 300 Village Green Road, Suite 225 in Lincolnshire and at 712 N. Dearborn Street in Chicago. For more information, call 844-9-IV-MEDS (948-6337) or visit or to watch and listen to our patient testimonials, and our news and radio stories.
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