By Sherry Thomas
By Sherry Thomas
If you’re looking for a seasoned team with unparalleled knowledge about the North Shore, look no further than this duo. Affiliated with Coldwell Banker Realty’s Winnetka office, Dinny is a consistent multi-million dollar producer, which places her in the top 1 percent of realtors in the nation. Sarah’s expertise goes beyond showings to the in-depth research and negotiations that are necessary for a smooth transaction
Why do you love what you do? There is nothing more satisfying than seeing a transaction through from start to finish and having the end result be a happy client.
2020 was a success due to? Loyalty of past clients, referrals, and the next generation of client’s families. Additionally, accommodating our client’s needs during the quarantine.
What sets you apart from your competition? Dinny has more than 37 years in the business and has successfully navigated both Bull and Bear Markets, this helps us both appropriately manage and adjust client’s expectations.
What is the first thing you tell your clients? We will work tirelessly on your behalf to achieve the highest price for your home in the least amount of time. For our buyers, get pre-approved!
Best advice ever given to you? The best industry advice given was make friends of your clients, not clients of your friends. Also, listen to your client!
Best advice you’ve given? Trust the process. Favorite Mantra Everything happens for a reason. There is always another house and the next one will be better.
For more information, call 847-217-5146 (Dinny) or 847-727-4619 (Sarah).
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