By Michelle Crowe
Noelle wearing an Oscar de la Renta dress at Neiman Marcus.
By Michelle Crowe
Noelle wearing an Oscar de la Renta dress at Neiman Marcus.
NOELLE McINERNEY grew up in Fort Lauderdale, FL, where she and her sister loved swimming and playing at the beach year-round. Noelle definitely misses her beach days after living in the Midwest for more than 20 years. A diligent student who loved being involved and and played competitive volleyball through high school, Northwestern University beckoned Noelle to Illinois, and she’s been here ever since.
Noelle lives in Clarendon Hills with her husband, Tom, her three-year-old little boy, Vinny, and her three stepkids, Madeline (15), Nellie (13) and Finnegan (13). An 11-year-old pup, Wheels, rounds out the family.
Noelle is the Founder and President of Ladidadi Events & Incentives. After 15 years of working as a corporate event planner, she started the business in 2017 with the intent of creating a company where event professionals (women specifically) could plan international events AND have a life/family. Today it is a thriving team of 12 professionals who produce meetings and events all over the world. This year alone they’re working on programs in Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Bahamas, Florida, North Carolina, Las Vegas, Wisconsin, and of course, Chicago! “I can honestly say I’m living my dream and I’m so grateful to be able to do what I do every day,” Noelle says.
Noelle and her family try to make the most of time at home. Their Clarendon Hills home is definitely a summer house, and they spend as much time in the backyard as possible.
Mantra? Overplan then go with the flow. On your reading stack? While I definitely have a reading stack I feel like I should caveat that I do not read nearly as much as I would like to these days! Stacked as so: Regretting You by Colleen Hoover, The Happiest Toddler on the Block by Harvey Karp, The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley, Toddler Discipline for Every Age Stage by Aubrey Hargis, A Promised Land by Barack Obama. Podcast? I’m more of an audio-book gal – currently listing to The 7 husbands of Evelyn Hugo, up next is Tony Robins Life Force. I like to go back and forth between business/mindset books and fiction. Favorite workout? Yoga Sculpt at Core Power. There’s nothing like it. Best grooming tip? Vitamin A + Vitamin C combo skin regimen is a game changer. Also, laser hair removal! Guilty pleasure? Watching The Bachelor franchise shows, while drinking red wine. But I don’t really feel guilty. Early memory? The hot summers of south Florida – the smell of grass, the sound of bugs, and the cool relief of our pool when my sister and I would swim. Music you love? I love music that makes me feel like I’m on island time – Bob Marley is constantly on in our house. Advice you would give to your younger self? Trust your gut and enjoy the ride. Also, maybe take a business accounting class even though you are certain you will never need it.
Your style is? Athleisure, because running after our three-year- old boy requires that I’m ready for anything, and also ok to have any outfit spilled on at any time. Favorite walk? From our house, through Prospect Park, to the sadly now closed Starbucks. My crew opts for bike rides over walks these days, and we love to ride through the beautiful residential streets of Hinsdale and Clarendon Hills. Favorite sounds or soundtrack? Brown noise on my sound machine app at bed time. Can’t leave the house without? Mom tote and/or fanny pack to include Honest baby wipes + SNACKS on SNACKS on SNACKS Place to celebrate? Nabuki Best quick bite or hidden gem? Quick bite goto is Fontano’s Subs. We recently discovered Kim’s Uncle Pizza in Westmot and were blown away – highly recommend! Favorite festival or special event? Daisy Dash – this has become such a special part of how we celebrate my husband on Father’s Day. Although begrudgingly, our kids participate and it makes him so happy. Best thing about the country? The foliage and landscaping. It really is beautiful here. Abundant parking is also beautiful. Worst thing about the country? The traffic, which makes the commute time to the city long. The perfect day is? My toddler sleeping past 6 a.m., then breakfast together at Paige’s… yoga…family hang time at home swimming and grilling… and a show with my husband once the kids are in bed.
Your style is? Business “cool” — is that a style? I try to mix it up and pair blazers + ripped jeans, dresses + sneakers, and I love a good romper. Favorite walk? This interview makes me realize I need to carve out time to go on more walks! Let’s go with Armitage Avenue because of the lovely stops for shopping + drinking. Favorite sounds or soundtrack? The sounds of people out and about; the vibrancy of the city is contagious and gives me energy. Can’t leave the house without? My (non-mom) tote bag, packed with my laptop, makeup bag stocked with key toiletries, and a water bottle Place to celebrate? Topo Gigio. Best quick bite or hidden gem? Aberdeen Tap! They have the BEST chicken wings, and even though it’s close to the West Loop, the vibe is still very much neighborhood corner bar. Favorite festival or special event? Chicago Food and Wine Festival. Shop? Definitely the shops around Rush + Oak Street. I also usually have good luck at the Bloomingdale’s on Michigan Avenue. Best thing about town? The plethora of entertainment options on any given night – concerts, comedy shows, exhibits, etc! The perfect day is? Joining my team on site at one of Ladidadi’s events and seeing engaged & happy attendees (and happy clients!) After that, drinks and dinner with a girlfriend (on a patio if possible!) before heading home to my family.
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