Country vs. Town: Juhl Patterson
By Kemmie Ryan
By Kemmie Ryan
JUHL PATTERSON was born in Seoul, Korea, and spent three years there before moving to Lemont, Illinois, with her family. After studying at Northern Illinois University, Patterson decided to move to California and pursue a new career that recharged her creativity. Realizing her passion for hair, fashion, and makeup, made her move back to Chicago to study cosmetology at Pivot Point International. Patterson soon jumped at the opportunity to participate in competitions across the country, work as hair stylist on photo shoots for local television talk shows, and travel the world. Patterson, her husband Chris—whom she met at just 8-years-old and grew up with—and their daughters—Mercedes and Cozette moved to Hinsdale seven years ago. When this fashionable mom isn’t visiting her daughter Mercedes at Arizona State University, or cheering Cozette on at her competitive dance competitions, she enjoys yoga, traveling to stunning locations, and entertaining at home. “You will never go home from one of my parties hungry, thirsty, or with an unsatisfied sweet tooth.” As a member of the Hinsdale Junior Women’s Club, she has served on the philanthropy and benefit committees, co-chaired underwriting, and is co-chairing the group’s ever-popular 2021 benefit. “I’ve been inspired by brilliant, ambitious, and hard-working women who have made a tremendous impact within our community and the entire Chicago area—awarding more than $1 million to grants during the last five years.” Patterson is also inspired and involved with the nonprofit, Simply From The Heart. Here are some of the charitable fashionista’s favorites around country and on the town:
Mantra? Put it out into the universe and work to make it happen. Best grooming tip? So many to share … beautiful skin and hair comes from the inside-out. Eat well, take your vitamins, and hydrate. Find a great dermatologist to help you age gracefully. Face cream is not eye cream; invest in both. Guilty pleasure? Belvedere Extra Dry Dirty Martini, extra shaken, with three blue cheese stuffed olives. Favorite foods? Cheeseburgers, sushi, and Korean barbecue. Music you love? Michael Bublé, Classic ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s. Best advice ever given to you? Do not kill yourself with worry; put it in God’s hands. Best advice you’ve given? Be kind and love yourself; this will teach people how to treat you. Earliest memory? Family shopping outing to Oak Brook Mall, running downstairs to the kid’s department in Bonwit Teller, and repeatedly asking my dad for a dress, then out to dinner with my crazy, fun family. When you wake up, you? Read a few chapters, check my calendar for the day, and then have coffee. Before bed, you? Have a quiet moment with my husband to talk about our day, wash my face with my nightly skin care regimen, then cuddle with my sweet girl and chat about her thoughts and dreams. What’s on your bookshelf? I’m in two book clubs with amazing women from Hinsdale, so whichever book we are reading that month, currently Walland by Andrea Thome and The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett. You can’t live without? My husband, daughters, dog, and my parents. Love to escape to? I close my eyes and go back to the gardens of Versailles Palace and the magnificent fountains. Advice you would give to your younger self? Do not let fear and the what-ifs hold you back from all the opportunities that are placed in front of you.
Your style is? Jeans or leggings, graphic T-shirt, blazer, wedges, and hair thrown up in a crazy knot on top of my head. Can’t leave the house without? Sunblock, sunglasses, and lipstick, but with Coronavirus I leave the lipstick behind and grab my mask. Transportation? GLE 350 Mercedes 2020— practically drives and parks itself. Driving music? Fleetwood Mac with a little Coldplay. Place to eat? Nabuki and Vistro. Shop? Personal stylist Ela Mariie with Generation Bliss, Lisa Kahley’s The Game Set Style Box, and Kirsten Lopez at Neiman Marcus. Best thing about country? Living among kind, conscious people who respect their homes and neighbors who say “hello” when on walks or bike rides, and letting your guard down because you feel safe. Worst thing about country? Driving everywhere and not enough restaurants. The perfect day is? Family morning walk into town for coffee and breakfast, eating at Burlington Park, then heading to the city.
Your style is? Casual chic dress with sneakers then throw on stilettos for night. Can’t leave the house without? Water bottle, SPF, and sunglasses. Transportation? Walking, Uber, and Red Line to Wrigley. Driving music? Old schoolhouse music. Place to eat? Steak 48, Palm Court for High Tea, Momotaro, Little Goat. Shop? LisaMarie at Saks Fifth Avenue. Best thing about town? Clean and beautiful flower designs throughout the city, theater, restaurants, and the Chicago Cubs. Worst thing about Town? Going out during the treacherous winter season. The perfect day is? Brunch in Wrigleyville with an afternoon Cubs game and win, then restyling for a fabulous dinner at one of my favorites.
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