Class Act
By Dustin O’Regan
By Dustin O’Regan
Bob Whelan, whose career has ranged from lead singer in a rock band to Head of School at Lake Forest Country Day School, knows the value of a well-rounded education. An avid reader, musician, and technology fan, he never misses the opportunity to sing the praises of his colleagues at LFCDS, where inspired teaching blends seamlessly with innovation, producing learners as passionate as he is about the world around us. Here’s how Whelan stays on trend.
“The New York Times bestseller Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions Into Adulthood by Lisa Damour, PhD. She was featured in our Special Speaker Series this fall, and I think this is one of the best child-development books of the last ten years. Dr. Damour breaks down adolescent behavior into what is normal (and sometimes infuriating, confusing, or even frightening) and what to worry about. While her focus is on girls, there are universal tenets about adolescent development that travel across gender. A superb read.”
“I am a big Twitter follower and I recently stumbled across @Super70sSports. For anyone from around my vintage (growing up in the 70s and 80s), the feed is a masterful, addictive blend of humor, sports, and popular culture. A cautionary note: it can be a bit like going down a rabbit hole when you first discover it, so do not explore it for the first time when you have an important deadline to meet.”
“When I want to feel young and hip, I’m listening to Post Malone. I honestly am not sure what he’s singing about, and if he were a student in my class, I might ask him to enunciate more clearly (and he would point to several hundred plays on Spotify and tell me where to put my advice about enunciation). When I’m acting my age, I’m listening to the Hamilton soundtrack. I feel inspired, energized, and slightly in awe in the presence of this extraordinary historical story, and the inventive brilliance in it’s retelling by Lin-Manuel Miranda. I thought the Chicago cast was exceptional.”
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